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Fuel your mind, body, and soul during this year’s FMF!



Picture of Dr Janice Harvey on a laptop screen.Meet Dr. Janice Harvey—CFPC physician advisor, FMF Committee member, and sports and exercise medicine enthusiast—at FMF 2020! 

FMF will offer top quality CPD sessions including Dr. Harvey’s workshop about the new CFPC Professional Learning Plans. Check out the full program and schedule at a glance on the FMF website.

FMF will also offer ample opportunities to connect with colleagues at social events, and provide chat rooms with topics for students and residents, teachers, researchers, and Member Interest Groups (MIGs).

A few breaks are in order to keep participants engaged and inspired so join us for yoga, fitness classes, celebrity chef demos, and so much more.

The virtual event is live November 4th to 7th, and available on-demand until December 8th. Register today. Email us with your questions at [email protected].

Don't forget to tag us on your social channels using the hashtags #myFMF and #monFMF. Tag @familymedforum on Twitter and Instagram, and @familymedicineforum on Facebook.

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