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The College of Family Physicians of Canada announces its new Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer


(Mississauga, ON) The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) is pleased to announce the appointment of its new Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the CFPC and the Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine (FAFM), Dr. Lawrence Loh. In September 2022 Dr. Loh will succeed Dr. Francine Lemire, who is retiring after 10 years of dedicated service as CEO.

Dr. Loh is a Fellow of the CFPC and holds additional specialist fellowships in public health and preventive medicine in both Canada and the United States. Dr. Loh brings with him an established track record in physician leadership, teaching, research, and administration spanning five government agencies at all three levels of government in two different provinces. He is perhaps best known for his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic as the Medical Officer of Health for the Region of Peel, in the Greater Toronto Area. His work with the team at Peel Public Health received national recognition for working collaboratively with the community and taking difficult, evidence-based decisions that saved lives and limited the impacts of the pandemic in one of Canada’s hardest hit communities.

Dr. Loh is the College’s sixth Executive Director and CEO. He is committed to working with the CFPC Board, staff, and members to foster an open, innovative, and inclusive environment that continues to advance and highlight the critical importance and value of family medicine in Canada.

The CFPC Board, the FAFM, and CFPC staff extend their deepest gratitude to Dr. Lemire for her admirable contributions to the College and to family medicine. Dr. Francine Lemire will continue to lead the CFPC until September, 2022, and will support Dr. Loh’s transition.


About the College of Family Physicians of Canada™

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) is the professional organization that represents more than 42,000 members across the country. The College establishes the standards for and accredits postgraduate family medicine training in Canada’s 17 medical schools. It reviews and certifies continuing professional development programs and materials that enable family physicians to meet certification and licensing requirements. The CFPC provides high-quality services, supports family medicine teaching and research, and advocates on behalf of the specialty of family medicine, family physicians, and the patients they serve.


Brady Bouchard, MBBS, CCFP, CISAM
President and Chair of the Board
College of Family Physicians of Canada
[email protected]
Alisa Raizman
Marketing and Communications Client Liaison
College of Family Physicians of Canada
905-629-0900 x254
[email protected]

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