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August 2020: Chapter News



Prince Edward Island College of Family Physicians

Photo of Dr. Andrew Wohlgemut, the Prince Edward Island Family Physician of the Year for 2020.
The Prince Edward Island College of Family Physicians (PEICFP) is proud to announce that Dr. Andrew Wohlgemut is the Prince Edward Island Family Physician of the Year for 2020.

Dr. Andrew Wohlgemut was nominated for this award for his leadership as Head of the Department of Family Medicine at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) and for being a mentor for new physicians in the QEH region.

Dr. Wohlgemut is a past president of the PEICFP, sits on numerous boards, and has sat at the negotiation table to support Island members. He is a compassionate, broad-scope family physician to a diverse patient population in Charlottetown. Along with wife, family physician Dr. Adriana Veer, Andrew has a busy home life as a caring dad of twin boys as well as a dedicated coach for many of their sporting activities. Dr. Wohlgemut is an outstanding family physician, educator, advocate and health care provider. We are proud to be able to recognize him with this award.

Nova Scotia College of Family Physicians

The 2020 Nova Scotia College of Family Physicians Family Medicine Conference and Annual Meeting poster
The Nova Scotia College of Family Physicians is hosting this year’s Family Medicine Conference and Annual Meeting on Friday, October 23, 2020. This is a live online learning opportunity. Tentatively scheduled topics include:

  • Provincial Mental Health Review and Discussion
  • PHIA/Cyber Security
  • Sports Medicine Pearls
  • Follow-up With Cancer Patients

Visit the conference website for the latest details and register information.

Quebec College of Family Physicians

Quebec College of Family Physicians logo
"Urgences en pratique familiales" sessions resuming amid COVID-19

The "Urgences en pratique familiales" (UPF) program will resume as early as fall 2020. This kind of learning opportunity is more relevant than ever! The UPF sessions will return with the same topics about standard care procedures, as well as the necessary adjustments during the pandemic. Sessions will be conducted in compliance with safety measures recommended by public health agencies, medical associations, and the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Please visit our website for more information about the UPF program.


CQMF in the news

Chapter president Dr. Caroline Laberge shares her thoughts on family practice after COVID-19 in a ProfessionSanté article, PostCOVID-19 : une nouvelle ère s’offre à nous.

Dr. Breault, Dr. Thériault, Dr. Wittmer, Dr. Boudreault, Dr. Laberge, Dr. Landry, and Dr. Bois— members of our Best Practices Working Group and instructors for the “Pour une pratique éclairée, une utilisation judicieuse des examens et des traitements” CPD program—co-wrote and published an engaging piece in the daily newspaper Le Devoir, Et si la COVID-19 vous avait sauvé(e)?

Alberta College of Family Physicians

Poster for Practical Evidence for Informed Practice (PEIP) Conference
Don’t miss out on the webcast Practical Evidence for Informed Practice (PEIP) Conference!

Alberta’s largest primary care conference, PEIP 2020, is a go! Led by the team that brings you Tools for Practice, the PEIP conference brings together clinical leaders to speak about the latest findings that can affect how you practise.

This multidisciplinary event showcases relevant, evidence-based, and thought-provoking topics in health care. The conference is a fully accessible via webcast with limited in-person seating (25 seats). Join the webcast from the comfort of your home or with your clinic colleagues. Go to for more information . Registration is expected to open early August!

Practical Evidence for Informed Practice Conference | October 23-24, 2020 |

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