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Dr. Lori Montgomery

Dr. Lori Montgomery

Calgary, Alberta

Dr. Lori Montgomery is a family physician with additional training in chronic pain. She has a focused practice in chronic pain as part of a multidisciplinary team in Calgary, Alberta. One of her roles includes helping Primary Care Networks develop pain resources for their patients using a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)–based rehabilitation model. She is involved in teaching residents and medical students and provides continuing professional development courses related to pain. Her teaching and research interests range from opioids and cannabinoids to CBT, ethics, and communication skills.

“I love the image of family medicine as a beautiful tapestry of individuals with varied skills and interests and practice styles, and we come together to create a picture of better health for Canadians,” Dr. Montgomery says. “I hope the newly redesigned MIG Section helps us to put that image into action.”

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