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Medical assistance in dying (MAID) was legalized in June 2016 by the passage of Bill C-14. Canadians now have the right to request medical assistance in dying from their health care providers subject to the provisions of the legislation. Providing this service within the scope of the legislation is no longer a criminal offence.

To assist family physicians and CFPC members in engaging with education, knowledge, and skill development in this new and changing area of practice, the CFPC has established this space to list and link to relevant resources. The resources linked below are available to help physicians and other health practitioners as MAID becomes more prevalent in family medicine. More resources will be added as they become available. The MAID Resource Group will continually review the evolution of MAID in Canada as it pertains to practice and offer updates to this page as appropriate.

Contact the CFPC through [email protected] with questions about MAID in general or the availability of resources.

MAID Resources

CFPC Response to Bill C-14: The CFPC’s view on the passage of legislation at the time called attention to the rapidly changing nature of this issue. This response contains links to the provincial regulatory Colleges and their respective positions on the issue.

CFPC Guide for Reflection on Ethical Issues Concerning Assisted Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia is a background document that considers the ethical implications of legalization of the practice of (what is now called) MAID as it relates to family medicine. This guide informs the CFPC’s stance on this issue.

MAID Resource Group Terms of Reference: This document lays out the terms of reference that will guide the work of the CFPC’s MAID Resource Group as it offers its expert view on this topic.

The Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (CAMAP) is a new group designed to help practitioners and the public understand the issues around MAiD.

The Centre for Effective Practice has developed this Medical Assistance in Dying resource that seeks to provide a pathway for practitioners. While specific to Ontario, this resource is a useful example that has broad applicability across Canada. 

The Canadian Medical Association and its subsidiary Joule have developed accredited courses for physicians that provide both foundational and more comprehensive education on medical assistance in dying.

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