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Certification Process and Assessment Committee

Who we are


Shelley Ross, PhD, Alberta


Dr. Alison Baker, Ontario

Dr. Cheri Bethune, Ontario

Dr. Erich Hanel, Ontario

Dr. Karen Schultz, Ontario

Dr. Katherine Lawrence, Saskatchewan

Dr. Keith Wilson, New Brunswick

Dr. Katherine Lessard, Quebec

Dr. Theresa van der Goes, British Columbia

CFPC staff

Manager, Assessment Development and Certification, Alternative Routes and Enhanced Skills

What we do

The Certification Process and Assessment Committee (CPAC) is a sub-committee of the Board of Examinations and Certification that defines objectives and strategies to enhance the assessment of competence and preparedness in Family Medicine for the purposes of certification and life-long learning.

  1. Oversees the ongoing development, improvement and implementation of objectives for learning, assessment, and certification by the CFPC (e.g. CCFP and CACs)
  2. Develops and recommends principles for the assessment of competence and preparedness in postgraduate family medicine training, designed to influence all Canadian family medicine residency training programs
  3. Advances the assessment of competence and preparedness through generating and disseminating education scholarship
  4. Liaises with internal CFPC committees and other national and international experts and organizations involved in the assessment of physician competence and preparedness

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