Preparing our Future Family Physicians
Posted September 26, 2024: What is happening with the length of training?
Following the member motions at the 2023 AMM, we ceased plans for implementation of a mandated third year of family medicine residency training. Further analysis of past support for training extension is now unnecessary. Instead, the CFPC is working with educators, universities, and partners to develop an education action plan, and providing support university departments of family medicine in their approaches in adopting the Residency Training Profile (RTP).
About the Outcomes of Training Project
The status quo is no longer an option
![Happy family with three kids on summertime]( /CFPC/media/Images/family-group-shot.jpg)
To address the crisis in family medicine, the CFPC’s Outcomes of Training Project (OTP) aims to contribute to the transformation of health care systems through education reform.
Specifically, the OTP presents educational recommendations for delivering on the expectations defined in the Residency Training Profile and strengthening health care in changing times. These recommendations will prepare future family physicians to:
- Work in comprehensive primary care teams
- Work and meet the needs of communities anywhere in Canada
- Respond to dynamic and ever-changing societal needs
A Board-supported initiative
This project was initiated by the CFPC Family Medicine Specialty Committee and supported by the Board, given the urgent need and landscape of family medicine. The Board remained continually apprised, engaged in consultations pertaining to the proposed changes, and ultimately granted its approval to the OTP recommendations. The Board continues to hold critical discussions with our Chapters, the academic community, regulatory bodies, and decision makers across Canada.Key Learnings: The bottom line
Here’s what we learned about the current landscape of family medicine:
Family medicine is more than primary care.
Current data are inadequate to properly evaluate the impact of graduates on the health care system
Early career family physicians’ ability to serve all the needs of patients is decreasing
Early career practice choices are linked to training location, educational exposures, and the availability of supportive practices/models
Graduates are not prepared for the diverse societal needs of communities, resulting in the need for future training
Training gaps and areas for educational enhancement need priority attention
Family medicine training programs are under-resourced and the curriculum is full. This requires a longer training period.
Project Roadmap
Phase 1: Strategy – Discover and Define (2019 to 2022)
Through in-depth research and consultation, we were able to discover and define what is needed to strengthen family medicine education.
- Residency Training Profile for Family Medicine
- Enhanced Skills Programs Leading to Certificates of Added Competence
Phase 2: Execution – Develop and Deliver (2022 to 2027)
![Group of healthcare workers and patients of different ages in a huddle all with hands in smiling]( /CFPC/media/Images/hands-in-group.jpg)
We recognize the complexity and challenge of implementing changes in the current environment. The CFPC is committed to a responsible, iterative, and collaborative systems approach, coupled with evaluation to guide ongoing efforts. The CFPC has convened an Education Reform Taskforce with broad stakeholder involvement. The task force meets regularly to help guide the curriculum and change processes and is governed by the CFPC’s Family Medicine Specialty Committee and Board of Directors.
The urgency to get started dovetails with the urgency of health system change. Additionally, the professional well-being of family physicians and the ability to optimize their role is vital to improving health workforce capacity. The OTP recommendations outline educational changes that will support and enable broader system transformation.
The CFPC’s primary responsibility is to maintain and uphold an appropriately high and rigorous standard for training that keeps up with the times and prepares the next generation of family physicians.
Related Resources and Evidence Summaries
Project Scholarship
January 2023. Comparing Practice Intentions and Patterns of Family Physicians in Canada.
May 2023. Are early career family physicians prepared for practice in Canada? A qualitative study.
August 2023. Conceptualizing “Preparedness for Practice”: Perspectives of Early-Career Family Physicians.
October 2023. Canada’s crisis of primary care access: Is expanding residency training to 3 years a solution?
Family Medicine Professional Profile
Residency Training Profile
The Re-envisioning the Future of Assessment, Certification, and Examination (ReFACE) Project
Triple C Competency-Based Curriculum
The Patient's Medical Home
Education Evaluation and Research Unit
Member Interest Groups Section