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CFPC supports An Action Plan for Pain in Canada from the Canadian Pain Task Force


Health Canada has released the final report from the Canadian Pain Task Force (CPTF), An Action Plan for Pain in Canada. The plan lays out recommendations for targeted actions necessary to improve outcomes for the nearly eight million Canadians living with chronic pain and to reduce pain’s impact on families, communities, and society.
We support the recommendations in An Action Plan for Pain in Canada and the CPTF’s calls for national action on this important issue. That’s why we’re proud to be a partner on the #PrioritizePain campaign, a national awareness and advocacy campaign to amplify the recommendations in the Action Plan and advocate for their implementation.
The #PrioritizePain Campaign has tools and resources for organizations and individuals to make their voices heard on the issue of pain in Canada. The campaign toolkit is online at and contains the following resources in both English and French:
  • Social media tools for organizations and individuals, including sample messages and social media graphics
  • Traditional media tools for pain-related organizations, like key messages, a templated media release, and a backgrounder on pain, the CPTF and the #PrioritizePain
  • Advocacy tools for individuals, including a customizable advocacy letter template to write your local member of parliament and resources to find their contact information
We encourage you to read and share An Action Plan for Pain in Canada and add your voice to the conversation by using the tools available on and the campaign hashtag #PrioritizePain.

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