The Rural Roadmap for Action
To support equitable access to health care and to improve the health of individuals living in rural and remote Canada, the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) and the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC) developed a guide for educators, healthcare practitioners, administrators, policymakers, and researchers. The Rural Road Map for Action described in this 11-minute video, shares four directions and 20 actions that will enhance rural health care if enacted across Canada.
Everyone has a role in the successful implementation of the Rural Road Map for Action—whether it's disseminating it to key stakeholders, sharing progress made, or advocating for its use to influence education, practice, policy, and research activities. The CFPC and the SRPC, along with its Rural Road Map Implementation Committee, invite CFPC members to join in this effort to improve equitable health care access for rural, northern, and remote Canada.
Email [email protected] for more information.
Rural Road Map Implementation Committee
Backgrounders and reports
- Rural Road Map Implementation Committee: Final Update
- Call to Action: An Approach to Patient Transfers for Those Living in Rural and Remote Communities in Canada
- Rural Road Map: Report Card on Access to Health Care in Rural Canada
Election 2019: Notice to all Canadian Members of Parliament
Article: Quietly courageous
Rural Road Map Implementation Committee: Progress on the Rural Road Map Implementation Committee
- Rural Spark Podcast: A Conversation with RRMIC Co-Chair Ruth Wilson – Dispatching doctors: Is it time for a rural medical service in Canada? April 11, 2019
- Article: Recruiting physicians to practise in rural communities
- Submission to Federal Standing Committee on Finance: Investing in Rural Health Care: An Economic Stimulus for Canada. August 2018
- Progress on the Rural Road Map Implementation Committee
- Final report of the Summit to Improve Health Care Access and Equity for Rural Communities in Canada
- The Rural Road Map for Action: Directions
- Advancing Rural Family Medicine: The Canadian Collaborative Taskforce (backgrounder about the formation of the taskforce)
- Key Messages from the Taskforce
- Frequently asked questions about the Rural Road Map
- Selected Literature Listing
- Review of Family Medicine Within Rural and Remote Canada: Education, Practice, and Policy (backgrounder paper)
- Working Group on the Assessment of Competence for Rural and Remote Family Medicine
News releases, publications and videos
- Introduction to the Rural Road Map
- Factors influencing choice to practice in rural and remote communities throughout a physician's career cycle: Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. 2017; 22(3).
- Taskforce tackles rural health care inequity: Canadian Medical Association Journal News. March 16, 2017.
- Steps to improving rural health care in Canada: joint news release from the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC) and the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), February 23, 2017.
- National Summit focuses on improving rural health care access and equity: joint information release from the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC) and the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), February 22, 2017.
- Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine
- Canadian Family Physician: Family medicine education in rural communities as a health service intervention supporting recruitment and retention of physicians