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Family Medicine Examination Update: 2021 SAMP exam


This message is being sent to the exam candidates sitting the Certification Examination in Family Medicine short-answer management problem (SAMP) component on October 14–15, 2021.

Dear colleague,

You are receiving this communication as you are one of approximately 470 family medicine candidates registered to sit the Certification Examination in Family Medicine short-answer management problem (SAMP) component on October 14–15, 2021.

Everyone taking this SAMP examination is already scheduled with Prometric, our exam vendor, to take the exam either in-person at a designated Prometric test centre or remotely via Prometric’s remote proctoring software application, ProProctor.

Contingency planning
As you are no doubt aware, Alberta and Saskatchewan are notably affected by the fourth wave of the pandemic and have seen a surge of COVID-19 cases in recent weeks. Other parts of Canada are also seeing some rises in COVID-19 case counts.

If you have chosen to write this exam in person at a designated Prometric test site, and if your area/province should go into lockdown due to government/public health mandates, you have the option of completing your examination by opting to reschedule for a remote exam with Prometric. Please visit the Prometric website ( to change from a test centre to a remotely proctored exam. This means you would need to take the exam in a non-public space using your own laptop or desktop computer and your own Internet connection. There may be a fee associated with changing your test with Prometric; your original examination time will likely also need to change.

Proof of vaccination
Prometric and the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) must comply with all public health mandates in your region. Please be aware that some regions in Canada are beginning to require proof of vaccination status to attend in-person settings. If required at your test centre, we advise you to bring your proof of vaccination documentation, provided by your provincial health authority, to ensure you have the required documentation at check-in.

For more information about your test centre requirements, visit the Prometric web page ( A proof of vaccination requirement is variable across Canada but may change quickly in your region.

We continue to work closely with Prometric to proactively plan for contingencies to ensure every candidate has a seamless exam experience. Should exam locations change, we will contact you as soon as possible.

If you have any questions related to your upcoming exam, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].


Brent Kvern, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Director, Certification and Examinations

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