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2022 CaRMS Summary


On May 26, 2022, the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) hosted its 2022 Virtual CaRMS Forum, sharing detailed data, statistics, and insights from the 2022 R-1 Main Residency Match (first and second iterations). The College of Family Physicians of Canada™ (CFPC) would like to share some of the data that is available and to point you to key documentation now available on the CaRMS website.

In taking a closer look at the 2022 match cycle, we want to offer the following highlights:
  • 30.7 per cent of Canadian medical graduates (CMGs) ranked family medicine as their first-choice discipline in the first iteration (down from 31.4 per cent last year as part of a gradual downward trend over the past five years)
  • A total of 1574 family medicine residency positions were offered in the first iteration (an increase from 1,563 positions last year and part of a gradual increasing trend over five years)
  • The CMG supply-to-demand ratio for family medicine positions in the first iteration was 1.58 (very similar to last year)
  • The match rate for CMGs choosing family medicine was 99.7 per cent (slightly higher than last year’s CMG match rate of 99.3 per cent)
  • The average number of CMG program applications ranged across the four regions of the country from 20.3 to 29.1 applications per candidate, with an overall national increase of applications per candidate
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments that you want to share with the CFPC and our Academic Family Medicine team ([email protected]).

We look forward to welcoming this new cohort of residents as members to the College.

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