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As the voice of family medicine in Canada, the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) actively promotes family medicine and primary care to elected officials and decision makers:

Health care, and in particular primary care and family medicine, is dynamic. New technologies, policies, evidence, and new ways of practising medicine impact the way family doctors work. On behalf of family physicians, the CFPC works with elected officials and key federal decision-makers to ensure they are kept apprised of new developments in family medicine as well as the CFPC's position on current topics.

The CFPC's Health Policy and Government Relations Department monitors federal and provincial politics, policies, and legislation that affect primary care and family medicine. The CFPC collaborates with other medical and health care organizations to influence policy outcomes, specifically supporting CFPC Chapters in provincial matters.

Senior leaders from the CFPC meet regularly with Members of Parliament and members of the public service.

Government communications

The CFPC's recent communication to government officials, as well as communication from other health care organizations that the College has supported, is included below.







  • The CFPC welcomes Canada’s new Minister of Health, the Honourable Patty Hajdu

    The Hon. Patty Hajdu was appointed Canada’s new Minister of Health on November 20th, after the recent federal election resulted in the Liberal party forming a minority government. The CFPC has written to Minister Hajdu to offer our congratulations on her appointment and to express our commitment to furthering our shared priorities to improve Canada’s health care system. Read our letter to Minister Hajdu.













Related Resources

The College works with elected officials and federal decision-makers in these offices on policy issues of importance to family medicine:

The CFPC also serves as a resource for Provincial Chapters.

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