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In the event of an accident, acute illness or other unforeseen impediment that prevents a candidate from sitting the examination, the candidate must inform the College by telephone (905 629 0900) or e-mail [email protected] as soon as possible and provide supporting written documentation as outlined below. Retrospective verification will not be accepted.

To determine whether compensation is warranted for an accident, illness or other impediment, the College must receive the following documentation within two weeks (14 calendar days) of the missed examination date:

  1. A written request for compensation and a detailed description of the circumstances leading to the request, signed by the candidate;
  2. In the case of accident or illness, an original letter, on office letterhead, from the candidate’s fully-licensed practicing physician or clinical psychologist (the practitioner cannot be a relative or spouse of the candidate) identifying and confirming the accident or illness, together with verification that the accident or illness was serious enough to warrant missing the examination;
  3. In the case of any other impediment, an original letter, on office letterhead, from a source with direct involvement or knowledge of the circumstances in question. The College will determine, on a case-by-case basis, what verification is required from any source with direct involvement or knowledge of the circumstances in question;
  4. A current address and telephone number(s) for the practitioner or person(s) identified in Items 2 and 3 above to clarify details, if required.

The CFPC will evaluate the candidate’s request based on its current examination policies and protocols applicable to all candidates. Extraordinary cases may be referred to the Board of Examinations and Certification for further consideration.

If a re-write of the examination is granted, the CFPC reserves the right to assign the date, time and location of the subsequent examination.

Requests and supporting documentation may be e-mailed to [email protected].

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