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Faculty Development Education Committee (FDEC)


The Faculty Development Education Committee:

  1. Maintains and updates the Fundamental Teaching Activities (FTA) Framework and the resources repository
  2. Encourages, supports, and oversees the implementation of national faculty development approaches to enhance the capacity of family medicine teachers, through resources such as the FTA Framework
  3. Collaborates with other committees at the College of Family Physicians of Canada to oversee the establishment and maintenance of educational resources to assist family medicine faculty developers and teachers across the medical education continuum and across diverse contexts
  4. Engages teachers in family medicine by providing advocacy, advice, and consultation about faculty development principles for activities offered locally, provincially, and nationally

Fundamental Teaching Activities in Family MedicineTM: A Framework for Faculty Development

Who we are



Dr. Eric Wooltorton


Dr. Julianne Bagg
Dr. Alison Baker
Dr. Divya Garg
Dr. Abbas Ghavam-Rassoul
Dr. Alanna Kurytnik
Dr. Lyne Ménard
Dr. Lyn Sonnenberg
Ms. Jill Berridge

CFPC staff

Director, Education
Education Projects Coordinator

Contact the Faculty Development Education Committee with any questions about the Committee’s work by email at [email protected]

What we do

The Faculty Development Education Committee (FDEC) is a sub-committee of the Section of Teachers (SOT) Council. Its mandate is to develop and support faculty development for teachers involved in delivering family medicine education across the continuum. The FDEC continues the work started in 2012 by the former Working Group on Faculty Development (WGFD).

Section of Teachers Council

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