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The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) certifies continuing professional development (CPD) activities for Mainpro+® credit.

  • The CFPC National Committee on Continuing Professional Development (NCCPD) oversees the regulation of Mainpro+ certification
  • The CFPC’s Department of Continuing Professional Development and the CFPC Chapter offices administer the program

How does Mainpro+ certification work?

One or more family physicians review the programs that providers submit to make sure they adhere to established criteria and policies, and that content is relevant to family physicians.

Mainpro+ certified activities are expected to be conducted according to ethical standards and guidelines as established by the CFPC, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA), and Canada’s Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (Innovative Medicines Canada).

Mainpro+ certification requirements

  • Planning committee requirements

    1. Appropriate Scientific Planning Committee (SPC) membership:
      • Programs delivered in a single province require a minimum one CFPC Practising member from the province of delivery
      • Nationally certified programs require a minimum of two CFPC Practising members (national online programs, programs delivered in more than one province, and programs delivered outside Canada)
    2. SPC members are responsible for making sure their program structure, methods, and theme selection consider social justice and accountability, and encourage the promotion of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
    All SPC members must complete and submit conflict of interest forms.
  • Ethical requirements

  • Program design and delivery requirements

    Note: The program design of Mainpro+ certified activities should make sure that the diverse needs and perspectives of both the target audience of learners and the patients they treat are considered when creating the program. It should consider issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) to create learning activities that demonstrate acknowledgement of individuals of various racial, ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity, as well as other identities.

  • Documentation requirements

    Providers must submit these documents with their application for review:

    • Completed conflict of interest forms (Declaring and Disclosing Conflict of Interest), for all SPC members
    • Completed CFPC 3-step conflict of interest slides
    • Program brochure and/or invitation and/or agenda
    • Completed program content (slide decks, workbooks, tools, resources, etc.), when applicable
    • Needs assessment tools and results
    • Evaluation format/forms
    • Previous evaluation results (when applicable)
    • Speaker communication template (when applicable)
    • Copies of the sponsor product and corporate branding if the program has for-profit financial support
    • Copies of sponsor agreements and exhibitor prospectus (when applicable)
    • Program budget, if the program has for-profit support
  • Final steps and reminder

    Program review commences once all CFPC SPC members have confirmed their involvement in the program’s development. Payment of the application fee does not guarantee Mainpro+ certification.

  • Audits and ethical guidelines

    Certified Mainpro+ CPD programming should reflect the educational needs of family physicians—not ancillary benefits such as meals, entertainment, and monetary rewards.

    CPD is an essential component of maintaining proficiency for family physicians. The CFPC recognizes there are many costs associated with planning, developing, and implementing educational events and programs. The CFPC and its local Chapters believe it is ethically acceptable for industry (pharmaceutical, biomedical, etc.) to contribute to CPD events as long as all contributions are at arm’s length and that all parties adhere to the guidelines presented in the Mainpro+ Certification Standards.

    To guarantee compliance with these principles the CFPC has instituted a formal audit process. All providers of Mainpro+ activities must agree to submit to an audit of their activity or organization upon request by the CFPC CPD department. Activity audits may occur at the live event or following the event in the form of a post-activity audit.

    The purpose of the audit is to make sure there’s compliance between the following items and the CFPC certification standards and guidelines for ethical conduct as outlined by the CMA Guidelines for Physicians in Interactions with Industry (2021) and the Innovative Medicines Canada Code of Ethical Practices (2022):

    • Delivery of program content (slides, handouts, speaker's delivery of the content)
    • Disclosures of financial or in-kind support (when applicable)
    • Promotional materials, invitations to and correspondence with potential attendees, and all other published announcements
    • Publicity in print or electronic media (including websites, blogs, email invitations, etc.)
    • Session location or venue, meals, and entertainment or social events
    • Costs to be assumed by attendees (e.g., registration and social events)
    • Completed conflict-of-interest forms and slides for speakers at the session being reviewed

    After an activity audit is completed, CPD providers will be determined to be compliant, partially complaint, or non-compliant with the Mainpro+ certification standards for the activity in question. Audit results will be shared with program providers following the audit.

  • How do I apply for Mainpro+ certification?

    CERT+ is the CFPC’s online application system for Mainpro+ certification. CERT+ enables CPD providers to complete application forms online, upload all supporting documents, and make payments.

    CERT+ allows providers to:

    • Submit a provider eligibility application
    • Request user access to an eligible provider organization
    • Submit all program application materials electronically (slide presentations, evaluations, etc.)
    • Pay administrative fees online using Visa, MasterCard, or American Express
    • Receive application status updates by email
    • Respond quickly to reviewer feedback and questions online
    • Track application progress online

    Log in to your CERT+ account or apply for access as a new user.

  • Mainpro+ certification application fees by program types


    National applications

    Application Type Fee*
    Single delivery for-profit conference $2,500.00 + tax
    Single delivery not-for-profit conference $500.00 + tax
    All other for-profit supported activities $3,500.00 + tax
    All other not-for-profit activities $700.00 + tax
    Faculty development, not-for-profit only $200.00 + tax

    Provincial applications

    Application Type Base Fee*
    Single delivery for-profit conference $1,500.00 + tax
    Single delivery not-for-profit conference $300.00 + tax
    All other for-profit supported activities $2,500.00 + tax
    All other not-for-profit activities $500.00 + tax
    Hospital rounds, journal clubs, for-profit $350.00 + tax
    Hospital rounds, journal clubs, not-for-profit $200.00 + tax
    Faculty development, not-for-profit only $100.00 + tax
    * All fees in Canadian funds.

    New Fee for CPD Provider Applications
    As of December 16, 2024, organizations applying to become an eligible Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Provider are required to pay a one-time administration fee of $1,000 plus tax. This fee covers the review process but does not guarantee approval. The application review requires a detailed assessment of the organization’s structure, ownership, relationships, and funding models. This thorough evaluation is crucial as part of the effort to make sure that only eligible providers can submit applications for Mainpro+ certification through CERT+. If not approved, an organization may reapply one year after the refusal date.

    The CFPC strongly encourages program providers to review the Mainpro+ Certification Standards in detail before applying for Mainpro+ certification.
    Sunsetting the approval of two- and three-credit-per-hour certification
    We’re making it easier for busy family physicians to earn extra credits by sunsetting two- and three-credit-per-hour activities and switching to a new Optional Enhanced Activities model. As of December 2024, all activities will earn one credit per hour, and some programs will offer optional activities for extra credit. By respecting physicians’ time, we are facilitating more manageable and meaningful participation in CPD.

    All two- and three-credits-per-hour activities migrated into the new system will have an expiry date of December 31, 2025, at the latest. CPD providers can continue to offer two- and three- credit-per-hour programs up until December 31, 2025.

*The CFPC strongly encourages program providers to review the Mainpro+ Certification Standards in detail before applying for Mainpro+ certification.

Related Resources


Understanding Mainpro+ Certification


Mainpro+® Certification Standards for Faculty Development Activities


Mainpro+ Certification Application Questions (for reference only) - General Application


Mainpro+ Certification Application Questions: Faculty Development Activities


FAQs: Understanding the Updated Mainpro+ Certification Standards


Quick Tips: Virtual Continuing Professional Development Activity Conversion and Development


CFPC Planning Committee Job Aide: Guide for speakers in Mainpro+ certified events


National Standard for Support of Accredited CPD Activities (2018)


National Standard for Support of Accredited CPD Activities: FAQs for implementation


Quick Tips: Writing Learning Objectives: Mainpro+ certified programs and events guide for presenters and planning committee members


Quick Tips: Needs Assessments: Mainpro+ certified programs and events guide for planning committee members


Quick Tips: Identification and Management of Conflicts of Interest and Transparency to Learners: Reference guide for evaluating conflict of interest


Quick Tips for Speakers of Mainpro+ Certified Programs: Mainpro+ certified events speaker guide


Three-step Conflict of Interest Template: Mandatory submission with all Mainpro+ certified presentations


Conseil Québécois de développement professionnel continue des médecins (CQDPCM) Code of Ethics (2016)


International Academy for CPD Accreditation: Facilitates peer support for leaders of CPD/continuing medical education (CME) accreditation systems


Quick Tips: Guide for integrating patient perspectives into CPD activities for family physicians

Contact Mainpro+ certification

Local: (905) 361-8233

Toll-free: 1-866-242-5885

Email: [email protected]

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