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The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) designed Mainpro+ to support the continuing professional development (CPD) of family physicians and family medicine learners in Canada. Mainpro+ lets family doctors and family medicine residents easily track and monitor their CPD participation, provides information and guidelines on standards related to CPD participation, and  promotes the delivery of high-quality, ethical programming through a rigorous certification process.

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Updates to Mainpro+

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We’ve launched a new Mainpro+ platform to enhance your CPD experience, in response to member feedback. Check out our tutorials and explore the new platform at your own pace.

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We’ve also introduced updated program requirements:

  • Fewer credit categories to clarify credit allocation and streamline credit entry
  • New requirements for Certified Assessment credits to align with priorities set out by medical regulatory authorities, who are focusing on practice improvement

Mainpro+ serves three key functions:

  1. Provide CPD participation guidelines and standards
  2. Help participants track their CPD participation conveniently
  3. Guarantee the delivery of high-quality, ethical CPD programming through a rigorous peer-review certification process

View, download, and print our complete program guide for your reference.

Picture of a young doctor using a laptop at her desk.
View the Mainpro+ Manual.

Tips and Tricks

Live webinar about the new Mainpro+ platform

We’re excited to host live webinars designed to guide you through the new Mainpro+ platform, covering essential topics such as new program requirements, exciting platform features and functions, how to earn Certified, Certified Assessment, and Non-certified credits in your everyday practise, and strategies to maximize your CPD planning and credit reporting. We’ll be offering the webinar on the following dates. Register today!

February 5, 2025, 6 p.m. (ET) | 1 p.m. (PT) | 7 p.m. (AT) (French only)

February 12th, 3:00 p.m. (ET) | 12:00 p.m. (PT) | 4:00 p.m. (AT)

February 19th, 7:00 p.m. (ET) | 4:00 p.m. (PT) | 8:00 p.m. (AT)

Navigating the New Mainpro+ Platform and Program Requirements

Discover our resources to help you navigate the new Mainpro+ platform and program requirements!


Our FAQs can help.

Get chatting with us in Mainpro+

It’s easier than ever to get in touch with one of our Mainpro+ experts.

We are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (ET).

Phone: 1-800-387-6197 and press 2
Email: [email protected]

Mainpro+ Requirements

Practising members/NMMPs*

*(NMMPs are required to meet the same Mainpro+ requirements as Practising members)
Membership Type General Credit Requirements Certified and Certified Assessment Credit Requirements Non-Certified Credit Limitations
Practising Submit a minimum of 250 credits in each five-year cycle.

Submit at least 25 credits each year (either certified or non-certified).
At least 125 credits must be Certified and/or Certified Assessment credits, of which at least 10 must be Certified Assessment credits. No Limit

Members with optional CPD participation

Membership or Participation Type General Credit Requirements
Learner – International medical graduate (IMG) and Resident Access to the Mainpro+ system is available, but participation in the program is voluntary.

Credit categories

There are three credit categories:

  • Certified credits: Activities (seminars, conferences, clinical rounds programs, webinars, asynchronous online activities, etc.), that have been formally reviewed and approved as per the standards for certified CPD set by the CFPC.
  • Certified Assessment credits: Certified activities (practice audits, practice assessments, chart audits, simulation activities, etc.) in which analysis of data, including providing or receiving feedback, stimulates self-reflection and leads to practice/performance improvement. These may be self-directed or conducted with others.
  • Non-certified credits: Activities that are not formally reviewed but comply with the College’s definition of CPD. They must be non-promotional and provide valuable professional learning opportunities that can be used for non-certified credits.
Here are examples of activities based on whether they qualify for certified or non-certified credits and the relevant learning category:
Mainpro Grid Activities

See the full list of activities that are eligible for Mainpro+ credits.

How to earn Certified Assessment Credits

We understand that this is an additional requirement, and we’re committed to providing a variety of easily-accessible options, including activities you may already be doing. Participants can complete Certified Assessment activities from any provider, with a wide range of options available, in addition to those offered by the CFPC. Here are a few examples of activities which are eligible for Certified Assessment credits:
  • Publishing an article
  • MCC360
  • Medical regulatory authority (MRA) quality/practice improvement programs
  • Professional Learning Plan: This is free for CFPC members, allowing participants to claim up to 20 Certified Assessment credits
  • Linking Learning Exercises: These are free for CFPC members and can be used to reflect on the impact of activities you do every day, including teaching, research and literature reviews (including UpToDate searches), earning five Certified Activity credits per reflective exercise
There are also activities that allow you to claim a combination of Certified and Certified Assessment credits. For example:
  • Examiner for medical exams
  • Advanced Life Support courses
  • Accreditation surveyor

For more information:

Contact us. We’re here to help!

Here are the many ways you can reach our bilingual Mainpro+ coordinators:
  • Email us to book a phone or secure virtual screenshare appointment.
  • Chat with us live from your Mainpro+ account.
  • Email or call us with any CPD questions—no appointment needed.
We are available Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (ET).
Phone: 1-800-387-6197, press 2 for Mainpro+.
Email: [email protected]

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