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CFPC EM Examination Quick Links

The Examination of Added Competence in Emergency Medicine (EM) is open to members of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), who hold Certification in the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CCFP) status in good standing and who have either:

  • Successfully completed an approved residency training program in emergency medicine, or
  • Met the criteria for practice-eligible candidates as determined by the National Board as set out in the regulations

Candidates who successfully complete the examination receive a certificate and will be able to use the CCFP (EM) designation. They will be honoured at convocation. To maintain the CCFP (EM) designation, members who hold this certificate must fulfill the requirements of ongoing Active membership in the College and maintaining their certification in family medicine.

Exam information

Find out more about the recent exam administration
The Examination of Added Competence in Emergency Medicine is available in both official languages and candidates can choose to sit part or all of the examination in either English or French.

End of access to English translations.

Exam eligibility

Find eligibility requirements for residents and practising physicians

Candidate guide and resources to the examination

The candidate guide provides general information about the examination, candidate code of conduct, cancellation and late arrival policies, appeal process, and a list of emergency medicine residency programs.

hands on a laptop keyboard

  • Dates, Fees and Deadlines

    The CFPC works diligently to optimize its high-quality, reliable exams while also keeping them as affordable as possible. To make sure the College can continue to administer leading-edge examinations, which include virtual components, we have increased exam fees.

    We are and will always be in your corner. You can learn more about the increase in our FAQ section or you can contact us at [email protected]. We are here to help and support you!

    FAQ section

    Examination of Added Competence in Emergency Medicine

    Exam dates:


    September 2 & 3, 2025

    Structured Orals
    September 10 & 11, 2025
    Exam fee: $6,324
    Application date / deadline
    April 15 – June 15, 2025
  • Exam Scheduling

    Short-answer management problems (SAMPs)

    In-person and virtual seats are offered through Prometric, the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)’s written examination delivery provider:

    • Approximately five weeks prior to the written examination, each registered candidate will receive a notification e-mail from the CFPC with information on when and how to select an in-person or virtual seat. The CFPC will use the e-mail address on file, and it is an applicant’s responsibility to ensure that this contact information is up to date.
    • You will be given up to 72 hours’ notice as to when the Prometric self-scheduling portal opens as indicated in the notification e-mail, in-person and virtual seats will be administered on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • Within 24 hours of scheduling your examination through Prometric, candidates will receive a confirmation e-mail. Remember to check your spam folder if needed.
    • Candidates must make sure their name on the confirmation e-mail matches their valid, non-expired government-issued ID. Failure to do so may result in candidates being turned away from the examination.

    Candidates may refer to the FAQs about Remotely Proctored Exams for additional information regarding the virtual testing option.

    Structured Oral

    The Structured Oral component will be administered virtually through risr/, the CFPC’s oral examination delivery provider:

    • Approximately four to six weeks prior to the oral examination, each registered candidate will receive an e-mail from the CFPC with their assigned exam date. The CFPC will use the e-mail address on file. Remember to check your spam folder if needed.
    • Five days prior to the examination, each registered candidate will receive an e-mail from the CFPC with their login credentials and start time.
    • As an added safety measure, candidates should perform a system check on their intended device in the location they intend to sit the Structured Oral, no less than five days prior to the examination. Instructions on the system check will be included in the email that contains their login credentials.

    Candidates need to make sure their name on the confirmation e-mail matches their valid, non-expired government-issued ID. Failure to do so may result in candidates being turned away from the examination.

  • Test Accommodation

    The College of Family Physicians (CFPC) is committed to providing all examination candidates an equitable opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities in the examination setting. The aim of this policy is to remove barriers to testing, based on protected characteristics under applicable human rights legislation. This policy applies to candidates wishing to sit the Certification Examination in Family Medicine (CCFP) or the Examination of Added Competence in Emergency Medicine (EM).

    All requests for a test accommodation must be made at the time of application for the examination. This allows the CFPC staff to identify and allocate the required, but potentially limited, resources as equitably as possible, and to assign candidates to appropriate examination locations equipped to meet stated needs.

  • Requests to resit the exam

    For repeat candidates who are still eligible, the deadline date to register to resit the emergency medicine examination is June 15th.

  • Cancellation Policy

    A refund for a portion of the examination fee will depend on the date of receipt of a written, signed withdrawal/refund request.
    • Candidates who withdraw from the examination more than 60 days prior to the date of the examination will be subject to a penalty of $500.
    • Candidates who withdraw within 30 to 60 days prior to the date of the examination will be subject to a penalty of one-half (50%) of the examination fee.
    • There is no refund for candidates who withdraw within 30 days of the examination.
    Candidates must withdraw and re-apply should they wish to take the examination at a later date. Fees paid for a previous attempt are not transferable to a later session. Please send your cancellation request to [email protected].

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