Clinical Resources
Practice Tools From Our Partners
Abortion Resources
Links to resources for family physicians who want to provide or refer their patients for abortion care.
Cannabis Resources
Curated posters, guidelines, and tool kits to support primary care providers.
The work was led by the Member Interest Groups Section (MIGS) in collaboration with other partners.
Choosing Wisely and Prevention
Through Primary Care
A multimedia tool kit that equips primary care providers with videos, printable posters, and infographics.
Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
Management and Opioid Resources
Resources for chronic non-cancer pain management and opioid resources that include CPD programs and relevant resources for family practitioners.
This work was led by the Member Interest Groups Section (MIGS) in collaboration with other partners.
FM Pivot Education Modules
Interactive education modules created by the Besrour Centre for Global Family Medicine, based on a set of themes relevant for family physicians.
Lyme Disease Tool
This tool helps family physicians with Lyme disease including recognizing symptoms and developing treatment plans. The CFPC and the Centre for Effective Practice (CEP) co-created this tool.
CPD events calendar
Looking for CPD on a specific topic or from a specific province? Search our CPD events calendar.
Feel free to contact PPS if you would like to collaborate on future projects.