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A multi-ethnic group of doctors are indoors in an office. They are gathered around a table to have a meeting. One doctor is pointing to pictures on the table.The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) is committed to ongoing engagement in a variety of medical education initiatives across the undergraduate-postgraduate-practice continuum to support the development of family medicine as a specialty.

The College not only sets the national standards for training and certification in family medicine in Canada, it supports teachers and programs in the implementation of College-led approaches to curriculum, assessment, and faculty development.

It is an exciting time in medical education and family medicine education in particular. Visit the pages in the Education and Professional Development section of the website to learn more about what the College offers for training and practice environments.

Preparing our Future Family Physicians. An educational prescription for strengthening health care in changing times

Undergraduate education

Young physician and colleagues discuss ideas during a meeting. They are are smiling while talking with one another.

The CFPC is dedicated to integrating family medicine education within undergraduate learning. In this way, the College can support the development of fundamental competencies and foster an understanding of the value of comprehensive and continuing care among all medical school graduates.

In addition, the College continues to promote new initiatives to highlight the value of family medicine as a first choice specialty for medical students.

Learn how the Undergraduate Education Committee (UGEC) is supporting undergraduate family medicine programs.


Postgraduate education

Smiling young female doctor writing notes on clipboard in clinic

The CFPC works closely with the 17 departments of family medicine across Canada to develop and implement innovation in curriculum and assessment. Canada’s first competency-based medical education curriculum, the Triple C Competency-Based Curriculum and evaluation, fundamentally impacts learning, teaching, and practise environments and guides the accreditation of family medicine postgraduate programs.

Learn how the Postgraduate Education Committee (PGEC) is supporting postgraduate family medicine programs.

Preparing our Future Family Physicians. An educational prescription for strengthening health care in changing times.



Faculty development

Portrait of successful team of doctors in a hospital

The CFPC is committed to supporting faculty development for teachers involved in delivering family medicine education across the continuum. The Fundamental Teaching Activities in Family MedicineTM: A Framework for Faculty Development (FTA Framework), was designed to support all teachers by describing what teachers actually do and helping them to consider creative ways to expand and enhance their teaching activities.

Learn how the Faculty Development Education Committee (FDEC) is supporting faculty development in family medicine programs


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