Continuous Reflective Assessment for Training (CRAFT)
The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) has developed a system of Continuous Reflective Assessment for Training (CRAFT) to provide a cohesive approach to programmatic competency-based assessment for residents in training. It is designed to meet the expectations of the speciality-specific CanMEDS–Family Medicine (CanMEDS-FM) Roles and the CFPC’s Four Principles of Family Medicine in the context of the College’s competency-based residency training guidelines.
The model involves a system of regular, if not daily, formative assessments of the learner in the workplace, accompanied by regular performance reviews with a consistent faculty advisor to reflect on progress and modify training as necessary. It has two components: a robust description of assessable outcome competencies (evaluation objectives), and an in-training assessment (ITA) template.
In-Training Assessment Template